Ogdosunmu CPA

Certified Public Accountant

Company Information

  1. Tax Preparation and Planning: Helping individuals and businesses prepare their tax returns and plan for future tax liabilities.
  2. Auditing and Assurance Services: Conducting audits of financial statements to provide assurance that they are accurate and comply with accounting standards.
  3. Consulting Services: Advising businesses on financial strategies, management practices, and operational efficiencies.
  4. Bookkeeping: Managing day-to-day financial transactions and maintaining accurate financial records.
  5. Financial Reporting: Preparing and analyzing financial statements to help clients understand their financial position.
  6. Payroll Services: Managing payroll processing, tax withholdings, and compliance with labor laws.
  7. Retirement Planning: Helping clients prepare financially for retirement, including investment strategies and tax considerations.


9175 Guilford Rd Columbia, MD 21046
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